TRIM meets BlueMed: an education and training programme for research experts in marine and maritime industries Starting from December 1, 2020
The National Research Council of Italy, Institute of Marine Engineering, has organized as part of the Project TRIM – Technology and Industrial Research for Marine Mobility (, funded at national level by the Italian Ministry of University and Research, an “Education and training program for research and development experts in marine and maritime industries”.
BlueMed has identified “Greening Vessels, Facilities and Services” as one of the priority goals of its Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA). Among the actions identified to reach this goal the recently endorsed BlueMed Implementation Plan promotes the organization of a multidisciplinary, trans-Mediterranean training course on green technologies for shipping.
Within this context, the opportunity is offered – under sponsorship of the project BlueMed – to attend training activities on disciplinary topics related to green shipping according to the terms provided in the file below:
The program addresses three alternative objectives and aims at training experts in green shipping in the areas of:
- lightweight structures and new materials;
- design techniques development for efficiency improvement;
- development of new propulsion systems, emission control and noise and vibration management.
A maximum of 15 attendees from all BlueMed countries will be selected by a joint TRIM-BlueMed expert group. Lessons will be given online.
This training course is suggested to participants with a Master Degree or higher in transportation and Industrial Engineering and other pertaining technological fields.

Candidates applying for this opportunity should send an email – by 27th of November – to the address:, with a unique file (PDF format) attached, including:
- a brief CV indicating their qualification and experience;
- a motivation letter;
- the chosen attending option (i.e, PC1, PC2, or PC3, and in case of PC2 or PC3 the list of group of lessons selected).