Training course on Blue Biotechnologies, jointly organised by BlueMed CSA and the BlueBio ERANET COFUND, open for applications March 15-19, 2021 at CNR-IRBIM (Messina, Italy)
BlueMed has identified “Explore the potential of Blue Biotechnologies” as one of the priority goals of its Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA). Among the actions identified to reach this goal will be to foster collaborative research through transdisciplinary fields of expertise (e.g. genomics, data bases, outreach) and interdisciplinary approaches (e.g. by scientists, private stakeholders, end-users etc.), and promote education through training the next generation of marine biotechnologists.
In this context, the recently endorsed BlueMed Implementation Plan promotes the development of a joint strategic action on Blue Biotech at first by organizing a training course aiming at the creation of blue careers.
BlueBio COFUND ( coordinates R&D funding scheme to strengthen Europe’s position in the blue bioeconomy and address gaps to finally identify ways of bringing bio-based products and services to the market and find new ways of creating value from in the blue bioeconomy.
BlueMed and BlueBio jointly present the Integrated advanced training course on Blue Biotechnologies, Aquatic products and Blue Bio-economy, to be held in Messina (Sicily, Italy) on 15-19 March 2021.
A total of 85 people applied for the online training; the 30 selected participants are distributed as follows:
Course features
Specific objectives of the course
The advanced training course aims at contributing to the creation of ‘blue skills’, filling knowledge gaps while matching market opportunities via a joint effort among the scientific community, research infrastructures and business operators. The program will offer the opportunity of increasing awareness about marine biotechnology purposes, and also promoting the progress of the research results through the pipeline up to the market, identifying technological and legal bottlenecks step by step and prospecting solutions.
Encouraging teachers-students dialogue, the course will also be an opportunity to effectively interact with stakeholders and end-users.
At the end of the course the attendees are expected to:
- Be aware of the significance of marine biotechnology in a broad sense.
- Know the application fields, tools and opportunities.
- Know the limits and identify overcoming strategies (e.g. available infrastructures).
- Identify intra/interdisciplinary interaction strategies.
- Know examples of best practices related to real-life experiences.
- Be aware of the global market on marine biotech and development trends.
- Identify internship opportunities with industrial partners on the basis of the products and services available.
The course is designed for up to 30 applicants, of which 15 connected in remote, from BlueBio and BlueMed partner countries. This training course is addressed to participants with a Master Degree or higher in marine science, economics, biotechnologies and other relevant fields. Applicants can work for research institutions or industry with focus on research in the related fields.

Date and Location:
15 – 19 March 2021, National Research Council of Italy, Messina (Sicily) and online (link tbd)
bluemed[at] – bluebio[at]
More info and updated news:
The activity is supported by the BlueMed project funded by the EC under GA N 727453.
Applications are open until 21st December 2020.
Apply filling the form below:
After an evaluation process, the selected applicants will be invited to attend the training course virtually or face-to-face at the beginning of February, 2021.