The BlueMed Young Communication Ambassadors
The BlueMed Young Communication Ambassadors were chosen in non-EU Mediterranean countries, with the mandate to spread the BlueMed approach to a shared, sustainable Blue Growth in their countries and beyond, and to create and enhance a network of BlueMed concerned people.
Materials from the ambassadors
- UfM Regional Stakeholders Conference on Blue Economy – Thematic Workshop on Marine Litter (Barcelona, UfM Secretariat, 10-11 March 2020 – cancelled due to COVID-19 outbreak):
- presentation: Badr El Mahrad, BlueMed Young Ambassador
- presentation: Badr El Mahrad, BlueMed Young Ambassador
A video documentary realised by the Tunisian Ambassador Inés Boujmil
Animated graphics video realised by the Algerian Ambassador Fella Moualek
NEWS from the Ambassadors' activity
Some contributions from the Young Communication Ambassadors in non-EU countries.

BlueMed Final Conference: “One Mediterranean: practices, results and strategies for a common Sea” (Feb. 22-24, 2021) – Info and registrations
One Mediterranean: practices, results and strategies for a common Sea BlueMed CSA Final Conference 22-24 February 2021, on-line: digital hub at CNR in Rome The Mediterranean Sea is a crucial crossroad for the history, economy and culture of Europe, Middle East and North African countries. Many different interests depend on its resources, and the development […]

A Plastic-free healthy Mediterranean Sea: operationalizing the BLUEMED R&I Pilot Action | Venice, January 20, 2020
A Plastic-free healthy Mediterranean Sea: operationalizing the BLUEMED R&I Pilot Action | Venice, January 20, 2020Back-to-back event with the Mediterranean Regional Workshop preparing the UN-Decade of Ocean Science Arsenale, Venice. (credits: grobery – Flickr) Following the special event at Ecomondo in November 2019, the BlueMed Pilot Action “Plastic-free for a healthy Mediterranean Sea” is again […]

BlueMed 4th Platforms meeting and Young Ambassadors Training – 15-18 October 2019, Barcelona
BlueMed 4th Platforms meeting and Young Ambassadors training15 – 18 October 2019, Palau Reial de Pedralbes, Barcelona, Spain Palau Reial de Pedralbes. Barcelona. (credits: Victoriano Javier Tornel García from Barcelona, España – Flickr) The Barcelona premises of the Union for the Mediterranean next October 15-18 will be the venues of two important BlueMed events: the […]