Burgas Joint Workshop

The Baltic, the Med, and the Black Sea together
The Baltic, the Med, and the Black Sea together for cross-regional cooperation on blue growth The Baltic, the Med, and the Black Sea together for cross-regional cooperation on blue growth 31 May 2018 The workshop on ‘Added value of cross-regional cooperation’ jointly organized by BONUS represented by Andris Andrusatis, BLUEMED by Andrea Barbanti, and […]

Joint Workshop at the European Maritime Day | 31st May 2018 | Burgas, Bulgaria
Joint Workshop at the European Maritime Day | Conference 31st May 2018 | Burgas, Bulgaria Added value of cross-regional cooperation. Baltic Sea, Black Sea and the Mediterranean Sea R&I initiatives’ Joint Workshop at the European Maritime Day 2018 The past decade has seen rapid emerging of transnational research, development and innovation programmes addressing the issues […]