
A Plastic-free healthy Mediterranean Sea: operationalizing the BLUEMED R&I Pilot Action | Venice, January 20, 2020
A Plastic-free healthy Mediterranean Sea: operationalizing the BLUEMED R&I Pilot Action | Venice, January 20, 2020Back-to-back event with the Mediterranean Regional Workshop preparing the UN-Decade of Ocean Science Arsenale, Venice. (credits: grobery – Flickr) Following the special event at Ecomondo in November 2019, the BlueMed Pilot Action “Plastic-free for a healthy Mediterranean Sea” is again […]

BlueMed 4th Platforms meeting and Young Ambassadors Training – 15-18 October 2019, Barcelona
BlueMed 4th Platforms meeting and Young Ambassadors training15 – 18 October 2019, Palau Reial de Pedralbes, Barcelona, Spain Palau Reial de Pedralbes. Barcelona. (credits: Victoriano Javier Tornel García from Barcelona, España – Flickr) The Barcelona premises of the Union for the Mediterranean next October 15-18 will be the venues of two important BlueMed events: the […]