Science-policy-society interactions in ecosystem-based marine resources management and planning March 22,24 and 26, 2021, online
The short course on “Science-Policy-Society interactions in ecosystem-based marine resources management and planning”, originally planned to be organised in Venice, will be held online on March 22, 24 and 26, 2021.
The training springs from the collaboration between several institutions working in the Mediterranean, the Mediterranean Biodiversity Protection Community (MBPC) and the BlueMed CSA, with the support of IOC-UNESCO and MSP Global Initiative, and it will focus on ecosystem-based management marine spatial planning training.
The training will bring together an international team: Dr Christopher Cvitanovic, Dr Andrea Barbanti, Dr Peter Mackelworth and Dr Dania Abdul Malak will convene the training; in addition, Dr Caterina Fortuna, Dr Jean-Baptiste Jouffray, and Dr Elena Gissi, among others, will lead lectures and practicals and facilitate discussions.
- Read all the info on the training and the details of the course topics.
The course was carefully rethought to be as lively and fruitful as possible, and a professional facilitator will help overcoming the limitations of online meetings and favouring the exchanges among the participants.
Anyhow, selected participants will still benefit from a physical workshop – if the sanitary situation allows it – in Fall 2021.
The training course will be recorded and edited videos will be shared with wider public afterwards.
A preparatory webinar was held on September 2020, the recording is available below:

The course is restricted to the 33 selected registrants, coming from 14 different countries, mainly Mediterranean.
All the info on the training:
- on the MBPC website:
Read and download the final report of the event here: