Research Infrastructures & Data
In order to achieve BLUEMED’s objectives identified in the Strategic Agenda, research infrastructures (RI) are key. RI have strongly developed in the past year and cover already a large proportion of the scientific needs of research and innovation communities.
In the framework of the BLUEMED project, a Research Infrastructure high-level Conference will be organized in 2019. The conference will provide inputs to support the promotion of the BLUEMED roadmap for the deployment of research infrastructures, expected at the end of 2019. Stakeholders from various sectors (public and private, research and innovation, businesses etc.) and from various EU and non-EU countries will be involved in the process. The bottom-up strategy will bring the expectations and needs of the blue growth stakeholders working on the ground to the highest political level, through collaboration with the national pivots and the BLUEMED platforms.
Two major stakes will be addressed during the BLUEMED project: first, sharing RI – how to link and to facilitate collaboration between different scientific domains and stakeholders in order to boost knowledge and innovation; second, long-term sustainability of RI – how to maintain them, how to upgrade their equipment and tools, and how to enhance training of users.
RI occupy an important portion of the BLUEMED Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda and are mentioned in the following goals and actions:
Goals | Actions |
Develop optimal aquaculture strategies, technologies and practices | Develop new strategies, technologies and practices to make aquaculture sustainable |
From traditional maritime economic to blue growth activities | Consolidate existing infrastructure that supports the development of innovative green technologies performed by the Mediterranean clusters |
Greening vessels and facilities | Design and develop innovative infrastructure solutions to improve the sustainability of ports, with special reference to energy efficiency and externalities relating to the surrounding built environment |
Towards an observing system of systems | Develop an integrated Mediterranean observing system, based on existing European networks and consortia, including European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures, and national infrastructure, in line with the overall European contribution to global observing systems |
Tailor-made sensors and platforms | Develop new ideas for robotic systems and devices to explore and work on the seabed in deep-sea area |
Changing the rationale: one platform, multiple uses and activities | Spatialise and cross-check: offshore fixed and mobile infrastructure distribution and environmental monitoring and surveillance needs from coasts to open sea |
Develop new concepts and protocols with private companies and maritime operators to maximize the use of infrastructures, ships and platforms for scientific and environmental monitoring, safety and security purposes | |
Develop tailor-made technologies to improve efficiency on installations for the exploitation of marine renewable energies (wind, current and waves) |
- ERVO: European Research Vessels Operators
- EUROFLEETS (2009-2013) and EUROFLEETS 2 (2013-2016): New operational steps towards an alliance of European research fleets
- European Research Vessels Infobase
- OFEG: Ocean Facilities Exchange Group
- Vessel tracker
- EMSO (EMSODEV 2015-2018): European Multidisciplinary Seafloor and water column Observatory
- EurOcean, European Center for Information on Marine Science and Technology
- EuroGOOS: European Global Ocean Observing System
- JERICO (2011-2015) and JERICO NEXT (2015-2019): Joint European Research Infrastructure network for Coastal Observatory – Novel European eXpertise for coastal observaTories
- MARINERGI (2017-2019): Planning an Integrated European Research Infrastructure
- MaRINET-2 (2017-2021): Marine Renewables Infrastructure Network for Enhancing Technologies – 2
- Hydralab+ Adaption for Climate Change
- MedSeA: Mediterranean Sea Acidification in a changing climate
- MONGOOS: Mediterranean Oceanography Network for the Global Ocean Observing System
- AQUACOSM: Network of European AQUAtic MesoCOSM Facilities Connecting Mountains to Oceans from the Arctic to Mediterranean
- eLTER: Long-term Ecosystem Research in Europe
- EMBRC: European Marine Biological Resource Centre
- ESFRI: European Strategic Forum on Research Infrastructures
- Hydralab+ Adaption for Climate Change
- ICOS: Integrated Carbon Observation System & Ocean Thematic Centre
- LIFEWATCH: E-Science European Infrastructure for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research
- MARINERGI (2017-2019): Planning an Integrated European Research Infrastructure
- MaRINET-2 (2017-2021): Marine Renewables Infrastructure Network for Enhancing Technologies – 2
- AIS International: Aerospace International Service
- EPS: EUMETSAT Polar System
- ESA engineering & technology activities linked to CubeSats
- GEO: Group on Earth Observations / GEOSS: Global Earth Observation System of Systems
- JASON-2 / OSTM: Ocean Surface Topography Mission
- Medspiration ESA European Space Agency
- ORFEO: Optical and Radar Federated Earth Observation
- PLEIADES High Resolution satellites (CNES): High resolution observing and mapping Earth’s surface (incl. coastal areas)
- Sentinel
- SPOT: Satellites pour l’Observation de la Terre
- CFP: Common Fisheries Policy
- CMEMS: Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service
- DCF: Data Collection Framework
- DG Mare EMODNET (since 2009): European Marine Data and Observation Network
- DG Mare European Atlas of the Seas
- EEA: European Environment Agency
- EEA Waterbase – Transitional, coastal and marine waters
- EVEREST: European Virtual Environment for Research – Earth Science Themes: a solution
- Galileo
- GFCM: General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean
- ICES: International Council for the Exploration of the Sea
- ICES Data Centre
- i-Marine (since 2011): Data e-Infrastructure Initiative for Fisheries Management and Conservation of Marine Living Resources
- JRC EMIS: Environmental Marine Information System
- MSFD: Marine Strategy Framework Directive
- MSS: Maritime Security Strategy
- PERSEUS: Policy-Oriented Marine Environmental Research in the Southern European Seas
- WFD: Water Framework Directive