The BlueMed Pilot healthy plastics-free Mediterranean Sea towards the 2030 targets: the strategy developed by the plastic producing and transforming operators of the area October 26, 2021, Ravezzi 1 Room - South Hall Rimini Expo Centre, Italy (and online)
EU Missions are undertaking actions to face some of the greatest global challenges by setting 2030 targets that includes cleaning marine waters, restoring degraded ecosystems and habitats, decarbonising the blue economy.
In the frame of the BlueMed Pilot Action on a Healthy Plastic-free Mediterranean Sea, the wide community of the plastic producing and transforming operators of the area agreed on the urgency to reduce the risk for the environment and human health posed by plastic pollution by developing and implementing a shared vision for plastic in the circular economy.
This event, jointly organised by the Euro-Mediterranean Group of 16 Senior Officials of BlueMed Initiative, the European Commission, Federchimica-PlasticsEurope Italia and the National Research Council of Italy, looks at the solutions adopted for a smarter local use, management and recycling of plastics with a high impact in terms of replication trough the basin and among international governance structures.
Object of discussion includes key challenges ensuring a healthy and productive Sea together with the identification of pathways that need to be implemented to obtain measurable results and meet the 2030 targets for a systemic change.
WORkshop Agenda
The workshop agenda is avalable here
More info on the EcoMondo workshop webpage
Register for online participation at the following link:

Although the workshop is planned to be organised in person, a digital connection modality will be activated during the event. In person access will be restricted to a limited number of participants, due to the reduced seats availability caused by COVID-19 Italian limitations.
The course is co-organised by the BlueMed GSO Working Group, the European Commission, Federchimica-PlasticsEurope Italia and the National Research Council of Italy in the frame of the Bluemed Pilot for a Healthy, Plastic free Mediterranean Sea.
Organisational support is provided by VO Communication group.
For any information, please contact:
The event will take place at Ravezzi 1 Room – South Hall, Rimini Expo Centre, Italy. More info available at: