Management Structure

The project organizational structure will operate at:

Strategic level – Project Coordinator (PC) and the Steering Committee (SC). Objectives: to develop policies and plans, give scientific & technical directions, to review the project progress and resources and to solve major conflicts. Moreover, at the strategic level, the BLUEMED Advisory Board (BAB) will assist the Steering Committee on scientific, technical and policy issues

Operational level – Operational level – Project Management Team (PMT), Work Package/Task Leaders (WPLs/TLs) and all participants in the Consortium that implement the scientific & technical activities necessary to reach the goals of the project, and that are represented in the Consultation Assembly (CA)

Project Coordinator (PC) – represents the project at the maximum level and with the European Commission

Project Management Team (PMT) – in charge of day-to-day project’s management and administration

Steering Committee (SC) highest level and ultimate decision-making body

Consultation Assembly (CA) is the body where all eleven beneficiaries, linked third party and people from their staff are represented, to present and discuss the developments of the activities

 BLUEMED Advisory Board (BAB) is the official strategic advisory body of the project for scientific, technical and policy issues

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