EcoMondo 2022 | Commit to the Mission Charter to contribute to a healthy “pollution free” MED November 9, 2022, Diotallevi 2 Room, South Hall, Rimini Expo Centre, Italy
The Mission Restore our Oceans and Waters by 2030 provides a holistic and coherent framework for developing a systemic approach to protect and restore marine and freshwater ecosystems and biodiversity, to prevent and eliminate pollution of our ocean, seas and waters, and to make the sustainable blue economy carbon-neutral and circular.
The Mission launched four Lighthouses in different European Seas and River basins to achieve these objectives. The one on the Mediterranean sea is addressed to develop and deploy transformative innovative solutions across the whole MED basin, to ensure prevention and reduction of contamination by 50 and 30% by 2030 starting from plastic pollution and beyond. This can be achieved by connecting and structuring existing initiatives, activities and a whole portfolio of ongoing projects; deploying, disseminating and upscaling solutions and mobilising relevant actors. Local business , citizens and local policy makers, can make this happen and they are all invited to participate and engage to become active players in this process. Therefore, to express and showcase their willingness to actively contribute to a successful implementation of this Mission and its related Mediterranean lighthouse, they are also invited to endorse the Mission Charter.
This event is aiming at engaging key Mediterranean stakeholders to support the structuring of the necessary MED innovation ecosystem, which is key for the effective deployment of the Mission Lighthouse and its related Charter.
WORkshop Agenda
The workshop agenda is avalable at this page on the EcoMondo fair website
The course is co-organised by: Ecomondo Scientific Technical Committee, BlueMed GSOs, Federchimica-PlasticsEurope Italia, Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions (CPMR), National Research Council of Italy (CNR).

The event will take place at Diotallevi 2 Room, South Hall, Rimini Expo Centre, Italy. More info available at: