25th January 2019 | Malta

2nd Coordinators' Meeting Report

25th January 2019 | Malta

BLUEMED CSA Report of 2nd Coordinators’ Meeting: Sustaining the Lessons Learned and Enhancing the Bluemed Initiative Synergies, 25th January 2019, Malta

This report presents the outcomes and main points discussed during the BLUEMED 2nd Project Coordinators’ Meeting – Sustaining the Lessons Learned and Enhancing the Bluemed Initiative Synergies that took place in Malta on the 25th of January 2019.

The meeting aimed to bring together coordinators of projects working on Mediterranean/BLUEMED-related projects to share current work, best practices and transfer technical information on the implementation of Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA).

Location: Malta

Date: 25th January 2019

More Information: See Publications page