Annual Meetings
Past Events
WestMED Ministerial Declaration (EN and FR) adopted on 30.11.2017 in Naples.
WestMED Ministerial Declaration (EN and FR) adopted 30 November 2017 | Naples, Italy The Ministers of Western Mediterranean countries gathered in Naples, Italy, endorsed and launched the Initiative for the sustainable development of the blue economy in the Western Mediterranean – a goal-oriented series of joint actions to make the common sea space safer, cleaner […]
BLUEMED Workshop | Building a shared research and innovation agenda for blue jobs and growth across the Mediterranean | 29 & 30 November | Naples
Building a shared research and innovation agenda for blue jobs and growth across the Mediterranean | Workshop 29-30 November 2017 | Naples, Italy This workshop was organized within the “1st UNION FOR THE MEDITERRANEAN STAKEHOLDER CONFERENCE ON THE BLUE ECONOMY” which was held in Naples on November 29-30. This cooperation follows the endorsement of the […]