A Plastic-free healthy Mediterranean Sea: operationalizing the BLUEMED R&I Pilot Action | Venice, January 20, 2020 Back-to-back event with the Mediterranean Regional Workshop preparing the UN-Decade of Ocean Science

Arsenale, Venice.
(credits: grobery – Flickr)
Following the special event at Ecomondo in November 2019, the BlueMed Pilot Action “Plastic-free for a healthy Mediterranean Sea” is again on the scene.
Mediterranean countries’ experts and stakeholders meet in Venice to continue the cross-border coordination to tackle the threat of plastic litter, stepping from exchanging and learning good practices to scale-up operational actions.
Via national hubs established at country level, progress is expected on integrating knowledge and innovation in a circular economy and green deal prospective; promoting recycling systems and technologies; supporting sustainable growth in the marine and maritime sectors; creating new “blue” jobs; inform policies; develop solutions to meet the opportunities; engaging citizens, raising their voice.
Back-to-back with the Mediterranean Regional Workshop preparing the UN-Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development 2021-2030, this BlueMed event will mark a key milestone for projecting the “plastic litter” challenge and related concrete actions in the global perspective.
- please register to the event on the BlueMed Pilot Action “Plastic-free for a healthy Mediterranean Sea” (Jan. 20th) here
- read more on the Mediterranean Regional Worshop on the Ocean Decade website and on the CNR website.
Practical information and Agenda
You can download the Agenda, including practical information about the venue, accommodation and transport, here.
Please register to the event here.
Materials and presentations:
Sesssion: Scaling up the BLUEMED Pilot for a plastic free, healthy Mediterranean Sea
- Miguel Bernal, GFCM Secretariat: GFCM contribution to a plastic-free Mediterranean Sea
- Christos Ioakeimidis, UN Environment/Mediterranean Action Plan, Barcelona Convention: Turning the tide on marine litter in the Mediterranean
- Alessandra Sensi, UfM: Scaling up the BLUEMED Pilot for a plastic-free, healthy Mediterranean Sea
Session: Do you know the BlueMed Pilot Action? Joining outreach efforts for public engagement and education
- Inès Boujmil, Badr El Mahrad, Mustafa Ghazal, Deniz Yapilcan, Fella Moualek, BlueMed: Pollution needs no VISA – The BlueMed Young Communication Ambassadors Action Plans
- Fedra Francocci, CNR-IAS, BlueMed CSA : “FATTI di plastica”, from the impacts to new solutions against marine litter
- Kalliopi Pagou, Erasmia Kastanidi, HCMR, BlueMed CSA: BlueMed e–training on Marine Litter
- Irene Hofmeijer, Karin Kubackova, EIT Climate KIC: eCircular and Journey – Join our journey to net zero through collaborative systems innovation
Session: Projecting the Pilot into new Horizons
- Rosalia Santolieri, COI & CNR-ISMAR: The Mediterranean Sea We Need for the Future We Want
- Suzan Kholeif, NIOF and EPG IOC/UNESCO: What is UN Decade of Ocean Science – and why do we need it now???